S01L01 / molds, maps and bugs
🏭 3DP -> Volume-aware design of composite molds
🛠 tools -> An interactive path tracing renderer for height maps. / Aerialod by @ephtracy
🤖 AI -> Art, music and design projects submitted to NeurIPS4CreativityWorkshop
http://aiartonline.com / Luba Elliott @elluba
⚡️ creativity -> The Prado Museum digitally alters four masterpieces to strikingly illustrate the impact of climate change. / agency: China
👩🎤 People -> @dedouze / for making amazing 3D illustrations that look 2D
🎧 Today's Soundtrack -> Evolution Control Committee - The Fucking Moon
👨🏻💻 cunicode -> confusing coleopterists: experiment running a dataset of zoological illustrations through a machine-learning StyleGAN