S03L03 / volumes, robots & GPU
🔎 interfaces -> Digital lens - by Ronan Mahon
full project -> https://www.artstation.com/artwork/o2LZ2J
✏️ references -> Hamonshu: A Japanese Book of Wave and Ripple Designs (1903)
⚡️ AI -> Text-to-3D by NVIDIA
OpenAI also released a text-to-3D solution:
you can run it yourself via this web-demo, or installing it local/remote
🔧 tools -> gpu-io - A GPU-accelerated computing library for physics simulations / with examples
🤖 robots -> Satisfying drawing machines by Arnaud Pfeffer
👁 watch -> Hackers - Wizards of the Electronic Age / specifically this part with Susan Kare drawing in MacPaint