Digital Fabrication in Barcelona | fab@bcn publication
Barcelona city council published fab@bcn a guide compiling makers, designers, collectives and startups working on the fields of digital fabrication, and cunicode is proud to be part of the publication :)
Barcelona is becoming an interesting 3D Printing hub.
We've got communities, companies, open source projects and technological centers, all working on digital fabrication, 3D Printing and the future of making:
ARRK / ASCAMM / ASERM / BcnDynamics / Citilab Cornellà / Coda Office / Convent de Sant Agustí / Cunicode / Elisava ADDA / EntresD / Esclatec / EtseiB MotorSport / FabCafé BCN / Fab Lab Barcelona / Faboratori / Flone / Fundació CIM / Hangar / Hofmann Innovation Ibérica / Hewlett-Packard / INDO / Patchek / Labs3d / Las TV’s / MADE makerspace / Materfad / McNeel Europe / Medio Design / MID Media Interactive Design / MOBA / Natural Machines / OpenKnit / PANTUR / Printhatshit / ProtoRàpid / RepRap BCN / Sitges Beach Fab Lab / Spot-A materials / Stalactite 3D / Tarpuna / UIC–ESARQ / Vailets Hack Lab / Valldaura Self Sufficient Lab / Xarxa Municipal d’Ateneus de Fabricació de Barcelona / 3DigitalCooks / 3D Print Barcelona / 3dseed
How can Digital Fabrication enhance the innovation of urban economies and the re-industrialization of the cities? Barcelona is a dynamic and productive center in this field. Meet the people involved and learn about their projects.
Publicat per / Published by: Ajuntament de Barcelona
Fotografíes / Photographies: Pietro Milici (Estudi Jordi Bernadó)
Textos / Texts: Rosa Garriga
Disseny Gràfic / Graphic Design: Papersdoc
Traduccións al català / Catalan translations: Anna Tetas
Traduccions a l’anglés / English translations: Angela Kay Bunning