Structures & Lattices
Ongoing research on structures & lattices to enhance SLS 3D-Print properties.
3D printing allows for the creation of shapes and volumes never possible before,
thus, materials might behave differently when presented on such shapes.
Taking the Selective Laser Sintering process as the starting point for this exploration,
we have developed the following structures:
Inspired by traditional Japanese patterns, this structure is composed by three interlaced structures build with 90 degree connections that appear hexagonal when seen frontally.

This structure is suitable for external walls and parts that require strength in one axis but demand flexibility in another, like this example of a cylinder, which is incredibly strong in height direction, but the circumference has certain deformable tolerance.
Structure capable to flex in various directions.
The repeating unit, features connected curvatures for maximum stretchiness.

Stiff structure is composed by a stretchiness grid of connected bridges.
Expandable structures
Since one of the big limitations of 3D-Printing is size,
it wold be great if we could print folded parts that expand once printed: Think printing an umbrella.
Selective SLS technology is totally capable of printing interlacing and moving parts,
so, it is a matter of finding the right structure to minimize printing size and maximize volume and strength.
initially , I focused on designed a 3D version of the popular Origami Magic Ball,
Early results weren’t satisfactory enough; They involved too many connectors and hinges.
I’m still looking for the right proportions to successfully generate live-hinges in SLS,
if any idea, please share your thoughts.
Bonus: an inspirational video on how to quickly fold a to fold a T-shirt.
The idea to develop some enhanced structures for 3D-Printing came when discussing about Adiitive Manufacturing and Textiles with a colleague that was questioning the feasibility to print full body garments, so I suggested to print them folded.
Imagine; we could print filled-up wardrobes!