S02L01 / objects, materials and bodies
🚀 future -> Holographic Display / LookingGlass - Portrait
🤖 tech -> Teachable Machines / A fast, easy way to create machine learning models for your sites, apps, and more – no expertise or coding required.Teachable Machines
Project presentation by Irene Alvarado at 1:28:51
✏️ design -> Japanese cassette & record players / archive
👁 beauty -> Untitled (Human Mask) by Pierre Huyghe
👩🎤 people: -> Scott Eaton @_ScottEaton_ / for nicely mixing sculpture, computer graphics and deep learning.
🎧 soundtrack -> Pau Vallvé - Avui l'únic que vull
Les angoixes
i els nervis mal educats
i les bronques
i les histèries
i tot plegat ja se'n pot anar
a la merda
perquè jo avui
l'únic que vull és mirar el cel
i que tothom em deixi en pau, joder
jo avui l'únic que vull és no fer res
i a la merda
I els imbècils
i la gent que vol molestar
i les enveges
i els prejudicis
i els pesats se'n poden anar
a "tumà" pel sac
perquè jo avui
l'únic que vull és mirar el cel
i que tothom em deixi en pau, joder
jo avui l'únic que vull és no fer res
i a la merda.
and rude nerves
and arguments
and hysterias
and everything can go fuck off
cause today all I want is to look at the sky
and for everyone to leave me alone, fuck
all I want to is to do nothing
and fuck off
And fools
and people who want to disturb
and envies
and prejudices
and annoying people can get lost
cause today all I want is to look at the sky
and for everyone to leave me alone, fuck
all I want to is to do nothing
and fuck off