S02L02 / patterns, images and landscapes

⚡️ creativity -> Images as data containers

✏️ ideas -> Money for Nothing / Article by Vicky Osterweil for Real Life Magazine

🤖 AI -> Infinite Nature / Perpetual View Generation of Natural Scenes from a Single Image

📦 resources -> That Creative Code / A visual overview of commonly (or less commonly) used creative coding techniques and algorithms.

Screenshot 2021-04-12 at 11.41.33.png

🧠 art -> The Case for Conceptual Art / a 10' explainer introduction to conceptual art

👩‍🎤 people: -> Craig S. Kaplan @cs_kaplan / for making beautiful grids and tessellations

🎧 soundtrack -> no one is there / Anika


S02L03 / gears, colors and 3D


S02L01 / objects, materials and bodies