Computer Vision Art Gallery
Some cats in the wild from the C is for CAT 🐈 project are roaming the exhibition for the Computer Vision Art Gallery accompanying the CVPR 2021 Workshop “Ethical Considerations in Creative applications of Computer Vision”
A real pleasure to be next to the great artists in the gallery.
With the growing omnipresence of sensing and acting machines in the world, and the explosion of Artificial Intelligence as an area of research and cultural concern, bringing transdisciplinary perspectives towards Computer Vision is as urgent as ever.
Artistic communities, scientists, and their overlaps, are asking questions about power, surveillance, transhumanism, digital culture and identity. Computer Vision, and its relationship with Image, and Human Vision, makes it a powerful place to inquire into these questions.
This year, the Computer Vision Art Gallery is the largest yet, with 63 pieces from around the world, selected on the basis of technical novelty, aesthetic merit, or conceptual strength. We hope you enjoy the works, and that this archive serves as a snapshot of the culture's grappling with the shifts that machine perception precipitates.
The 2021 CVPR Computer Vision Art Gallery was organized by Luba Elliott and Xavier Snelgrove.
The workshop had some fantastic talks and paper presentations: