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food crisis + climate collapse + synthetic biology
Along the lines of Spider Goats, this satirical absurdist futurism project prototypes possible beings genetically engineered following the blind maximization approach of contemporary technological solutionism.
In the process of creating hyperspecialized specimens without a holistic bio-diverse approach, the consequences have been severe. These actions have triggered widespread genetic mutations in multiple ecosystems, leading to the production of bio-failures and hyper-invasive entities. The damage caused by this approach has resulted in irreversible harm to our planet's natural habitats, impacting the diversity of species and ultimately putting the existence of many organisms at risk. The results serve as a reminder that actions towards progress must always be accompanied by caution and forethought, taking into account the larger ecosystem and implications of such decisions.
Mistakes were made:
Disaster Capitalism in Action: GMOs -> The insidious use of genetic modification technologies by corporations for their own profit, often at the expense of public health and safety. These technologies have been pushed onto unsuspecting communities following natural disasters, often under the guise of aid and development. These actions not only exploit the immediate crises of these communities but also establish long-term corporate dependency that undermines local agriculture and biodiversity. We need critical examination and ethical consideration when it comes to the use of genetic modification and other technologies that can fundamentally alter the natural world.
The dark secret behind cute AI-generated animal images -> The fascinating progression of text-to-image AI models makes them capable of creating realistic and adorable images. While these creations are charming, there is an underlying dark side as many of these images have been created without the consent or attribution of the original artist and can be used to fuel disinformation. There are ethical implications of these technologies and whether or not they need more regulation and oversight.